About Us
These besties said “Two unicorns are better than one” and joined forces to help people like us discover their greatness within.

Laura Brodeur
Laura worked on major brands like Neutrogena, Tylenol, Nestle, M&M’s and Brooks Brothers. During her career she led or was heavily involved in advertising development, new product development, branding, and the web development process on multiple, large branding and eCommerce sites.
After leaving the corporate world, Laura built a life based on the things she loved to do. She had many friends in need of websites and wanted to help, and it just grew from there. In addition to website design, Laura is also a professional voice actor, and she does marketing consulting and focus groups when the opportunity arises.
Kim Freisheim
Kim worked with brands like Nissan, and Utah’s Shakespearean Festival, as well as multiple multicultural campaigns. During her career she led advertising development, public relations campaigns, new product branding campaigns, and managed all aspects of marketing, before transitioning to an HR role. After years in HR, Kim knew she had to get back to her love of marketing. And she too had people asking her for her help and expertise.
As the two of us reinvented ourselves we realized there are so many people out there who have something brilliant to share. They just needed help putting the pieces together in a compelling way.
Like a mosaic, there are multiple pieces that make you great. When you put them together, the full picture comes through. You are unique and we can help you uncover that story.

Our Mosaic Philosophy

Who We Are
When we’re not at our computers we are doing all the things of life, just like you!
We each have two kids that drive us to be better than we ever knew we could be. They are our greatest champions (and our biggest critics of course!).
The dogs and the cats love that we are working from home, though Laura’s dogs are a bit concerned about the strange noises coming from the closet when she does voiceover some days.
And our significant others are thrilled that we left our soul-sucking worlds behind and grateful to see the smiles on our faces when we launch yet another site.